More caution in advertising

More spending, but more tracking. This could summarize the trend among marketers in 2023. On the one hand, the purchase of advertisements should increase further, and on the other, marketers will be more cautious with very likely a monthly revaluation of their investments.

Faced with a relatively uncertain economic situation, advertisers will thus adjust their advertising expenditure more regularly, underlines the latest IAB survey. Visual navigation to minimize unnecessary losses in short!

Overall, ad spend is expected to grow 5.9%, the IAB report says. Each communication channel should progress, led by connected television (+14.4%). And it is B2B advertising (+20.8%), travel (+20.6%), catering (+17.1%) and financial services (+11.1%) which should benefit from the strongest increases.

The strategies of marketing professionals are nothing unusual. 61% of advertisers have the acquisition of new customers as their primary objective, 43% want to see their notoriety increase and 35% will seek to improve the effectiveness of their advertising. Concretely, this translates to:

  • cross-platform work (55%),
  • ads from publishers with proprietary data (53%),
  • new partnerships to acquire more data (52%).

Good news for retail players. Indeed, 61% of advertisers plan to invest with this type of merchant site in 2023; which would represent a 28.4% increase in advertising spend.

Despite these optimistic forecasts, caution remains in order. Next year, professionals should concentrate on what they master without venturing too much into unknown territory. The metaverse, NFTs… In short, Web3 as a whole only interests a quarter of brands and advertisers today.

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