Much smarter, ChatGPT-4 Turbo is now available to paying users

Nathan Le Gohlisse

Hardware Specialist

April 15, 2024 at 3:42 p.m.


ChatGPT-4 Turbo is coming to paying subscribers!  © Tada Images / Shutterstock

ChatGPT-4 Turbo is coming to paying subscribers! © Tada Images / Shutterstock

Announced in November and improved since then, ChatGPT-4 Turbo is now available to paying users. With it comes largely updated knowledge, but also new functionalities.

It’s official since Friday April 12, ChatGPT-4 Turbo is now accessible to paying subscribers. Announced in November 2023, this new version of the OpenAI chatbot takes the form of a major update compared to the “classic” ChatGPT-4. Beyond its new features, this version is based on a much more recent database.

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ChatGPT-4 Turbo now available on a larger scale

Our new GPT-4 Turbo is now available to paid ChatGPT users. We improved his skills in writing, mathematics, logical reasoning and coding », indicated OpenAI on, before adding that “ When writing with ChatGPT, responses will be more direct, less wordy, and use more conversational language “.

In detail, and on a given subject, ChatGPT-4 Turbo can synthesize 6 times more text than before, thus extracting information from a maximum of 300 pages, compared to 50 until now. This information bulimia is supposed to allow generative AI to deliver much more detailed and comprehensive answers. At the same time, we also know that this new version of ChatGPT offers a more advanced linguistic model and can also create captions, or even image descriptions, while supporting speech synthesis requests.

Clearly up-to-date knowledge

As recalled Engadget, ChatGPT-4 Turbo is already integrated into Microsoft’s Copilot tool, which has allowed some users to take advantage of it for several months now. AI has nevertheless gained in knowledge since its announcement last winter.

Initially, OpenAI had actually announced that GPT-4 Turbo would rely on a database and knowledge dated no later than April 2023. In fact, the chatbot now uses even more recent information, dating no later than December 2023. A significant leap forward compared to the classic version of ChatGPT-4, which limited its knowledge of the world to information available before September 2021.




  • Chat in different languages, including French
  • Generate, translate and obtain a text summary
  • Generate, optimize and correct code

Created by OpenAI, ChatGPT is an advanced chatbot powered by the latest generation GPT-4 language model. By leveraging deep learning and artificial intelligence technologies, this chatbot has the ability to decipher and understand user requests. Thanks to its ability to generate text in an ingenious way, ChatGPT offers tailored and relevant responses, ensuring smooth chat interaction and an optimized user experience.

Created by OpenAI, ChatGPT is an advanced chatbot powered by the latest generation GPT-4 language model. By leveraging deep learning and artificial intelligence technologies, this chatbot has the ability to decipher and understand user requests. Thanks to its ability to generate text in an ingenious way, ChatGPT offers tailored and relevant responses, ensuring smooth chat interaction and an optimized user experience.

Source : Engadget

Nathan Le Gohlisse

Nathan Le Gohlisse

Hardware Specialist

Hardware Specialist

Passionate about new technologies, History and old Rock since I was very young, I am a PCist who has sunk body and soul into the delights of macOS. I like talking about Tech and IT on the web, i...

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Passionate about new technologies, History and old Rock since I was very young, I am a PCist who has sunk body and soul into the delights of macOS. I like talking about Tech and IT on the web, here and elsewhere. Don’t hesitate to find me on Twitter!

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