My neighbor’s dog is constantly barking: what solutions? : Current Woman Le MAG

For some time now, the inopportune barking of your neighbor’s dog has disturbed your daily life, to the point that you are beginning to feel helpless. Although barking is completely normal behavior for a dog, this repeated noise, day and night, can quickly annoy the neighborhood. If you are facing this situation, here are the solutions available to you.

My neighbor’s dog is constantly barking, I settle the dispute amicably

First, it is always advisable to discuss the dispute directly with the owner of the animal. It is possible that this one is unaware of the behavior of his dog, in particular if he barks during the absence of his master. If the latter is not often available, you can slip a note under his door or in his mailbox.

If your neighbor can’t control his dog’s barking, you can suggest that he call a dog trainer. If you live in a condominium administered by a trustee, the trustee has rules. Support that may contain information on the procedure to follow in your case. If disagreements arise, recourse to a justice conciliator makes it possible to find an amicable solution in accordance with the law.

Dog barking: litigation methods

You have tried to talk to the dog’s master, but he does not want to intervene to change things. If so, the law is on your side. When noise pollution caused by a pet disturbs the tranquility of a neighborhood, the owner incurs a fine of up to 450 euros. Once you have had the situation noted by an authority empowered to do so (gendarme, police officer or bailiff), the owner will receive a fine. You will then have the option of filing a complaint with a civil court.

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⋙ Why do dogs try to grab their tails?

⋙ Can you let your dog or cat walk alone?

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