Numbers and letters: Two stars of the program leave the game and other shock announcements

Nine letters, no better“, “The account is good“… everyone knows these cult phrases from the game of numbers and lettersan emblematic program broadcast on television, currently on France 3, and which has existed for 51 years under this name – the program initially did not include the numbers and was called The longest word. But now, from August 29, the regulars of the game are likely to be very upset.

This will be replaced by Family duels: the match of the regions presented by Cyril Féraud, a new entertainment. That doesn’t mean that Numbers and letters is stopped, it will indeed be visible, a few weeks later, at 5:15 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday instead of Find the intruder presented by Églantine Éméyé and We are all specialists, hosted by Carinne Teyssandier who, for once, are deprogrammed. This information revealed by The Parisian there is a strong risk of disturbing the oldest viewers of the channel.

And that’s not all ! Laurent Romejko remains at the presentation as has been the case for 30 years, on the other hand, two other star figures of the show are leaving. They are Bertrand Renard, specialist in numbers since 1975 and former candidate of the game who had won 12 victories and 6000 francs in winnings, and Arielle Boulin-Prat, pro of letters present since 1986.

Their departure would be synonymous with a “contractual disagreement over the change from five to two shows per week” write our colleagues. The latter who will be visible on the air for the last time on September 11 will therefore be replaced. By whom? Recruitment is still in progress.

Let’s hope that this new box and the program which should know some changes, will keep its audience or find a new one. Answer in a few weeks. And good luck to those who we thought would be indestructible: Arielle and Bernard!

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