Olaf Scholz only “fig leaf”: Ziemiak attacks SPD because of left alliance

Olaf Scholz only “fig leaf”
Ziemiak attacks SPD because of left alliance

In Berlin and MeckPom, after the elections, it is becoming apparent that the left will participate in the government – under the leadership of the SPD. For CDU General Secretary Ziemiak, this is proof that the left wing of the SPD is too influential. CDU Vice Klöckner senses “historical oblivion” in the SPD.

The CDU has sharply criticized the SPD for its course in Berlin and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to form possible governments with the participation of the Left Party. “Whether Bremen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania or Berlin: If the SPD can, it governs with the left wing,” wrote CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak on Twitter. Chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz is the “bourgeois fig leaf of an essentially left-wing SPD.” He lacks the imagination of how the FDP wants to save face “in a left traffic light”.

At the federal level, the SPD is negotiating with the Greens and the FDP about the formation of a so-called traffic light coalition. With his tweet, Ziemiak responded to the plans of SPD Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, who now wants to enter into coalition negotiations with the left after winning the state election in September. So far she has governed with the CDU.

In addition, the designated governing mayor of Berlin, Franziska Giffey, announced that she would like to enter the next phase of exploratory talks with the Greens and the Left to reissue the existing Red-Green-Red Alliance. Other majorities are possible in Berlin, “but left-wing SPD functionaries are forcing the candidate Giffey back on R2G,” wrote Ziemiak.

Klöckner criticizes the left leader’s Stasi past

The deputy federal chairwoman of the CDU, Julia Klöckner, has sharply criticized the SPD in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for the desired coalition with the left. “The fact that the SPD in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wants to form a coalition with the Left, whose chairman was probably an unofficial employee of the GDR State Security, leaves one amazed at the SPD’s forgetting of history,” said Klöckner in Berlin.

The chairman of the Left in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is Torsten Koplin. He served in the GDR with the “Feliks Dzierzynski” military guard regiment of the State Security Service in Berlin. After this full-time activity, according to an earlier report by the Stasi inspection commission of the state parliament, he later entered into an unofficial collaboration. He himself had already confessed to his past several times.

There could therefore no longer be any question of the political center, said Klöckner. “It is becoming increasingly clear that Ms. Schwesig’s uncritical orientation towards Russia should now be manifested with such a coalition.” The CDU clearly demarcated itself to the right against the AfD, the SPD lacked “such principles” to the left. “That is a problem for the democratic structure and the cohesion of society,” said Klöckner.

From 1998 to 2006 the SPD had already ruled in the northeast together with the PDS / Die Linke as a junior partner. The alliance, forged against the will of the Federal SPD, was the first red-red state government in Germany to cause discussions.

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