Omega-3 Food: It’s all about this food


Omega-3 is a term that has become firmly established in people with a healthy diet. We’ll show you what’s behind it and which omega-3 foods are the best choice.

Omega-3 Food: Introduction

We consume omega fatty acids via the intake of food. The problem: The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 in our diet is not ideal . We give our body too much omega-6 and neglect the omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, it is even more important to eat essential omega-3 foods such as fish (eg mackerel or salmon), walnuts or linseed oil as good sources of fat on a regular basis. While omega-6 is widely found in animal foods, you can find omega 3 in plant sources .

Omega 3 Foods: What is Omega 3 Ever?

Omega-3 fatty acids are among the polyunsaturated fatty acids . Our bodies need them for important functions and we need to take them through the diet. Fats play an important role in our diet because they are crucial for hormone production , for important  brain functions and also for  regulation of blood pressure .

Omega-3 Foods: Essential Omega-3s

The most biologically important omega-3 fatty acids are EPA(eicopentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). ALA is converted by our body into DHA or EPA.

  • ALA:   Regulates cholesterol levels in the blood
  • DHA: Strengthens brain function and vision, and provides normal blood lipid levels
  • EPA: Together with DHA responsible for normal heart function and stable blood pressure

Omega-3 foods: what’s the need for me?

  • balanced ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is approximately 5 to 1 . If too much Omega-6 fatty acids are consumed, our body can not properly utilize Omega-3 because both fatty acids use the same enzyme system.
  • But you should not take too much Omega-3. Many people rely on dietary supplements, such as fish oil capsules, as sources of good fats. Excessive intake of these fatty acids can affect cholesterol and the immune system.
  • At least 300 mg of EPA and DHA are definitely enough for healthy people a day. The omega-3 daily requirement of 300 mg can already be achieved with one to two servings of fish (100 to 200 g) per week.

Omega-3 foods: the best sources

  • Fish: salmon, mackerel, trout, sardine, tuna, haddock
  • Vegetables: spinach, Brussels sprouts, avocado, beans
  • Seeds / Nuts: Chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, almonds
  • soy
  • Oils: linseed oil, rapeseed oil, walnut oil, hemp oil

Omega-3 Foods: Highest omega-3 content to 100 grams

  1. Camelina oil: 36 grams
  2. Chia seeds: 18 grams
  3. Linseed: 16.7 grams
  4. Walnut oil: 12.2 grams
  5. Rapeseed oil: 9.0 grams

Saturated fatty acids as well as unsaturated fatty acids play an important role in a balanced diet . We’ll tell you what to pay attention to.