on the hashtag #MeTooInceste, the shocking testimonies of the victims

Since the release of Camille Kouchner's book "La familia grande", many incest victims have reclaimed the word about their experiences, especially on social networks this Saturday, January 16, with the hashtag #MeTooInceste.

Camille Kouchner's book, La familia grande (Threshold), released on January 7, continues to cause a stir. First, the resignation of all his posts of Olivier Duhamel, blamed for incest in the story. Then, the resignation of relatives aware of the facts, holding positions of high responsibility, such as Élisabeth Guigou, who resigned her post at the head of the Commission on Incest on January 13.

Then, this book made it possible to bring to the public attention the systemic issues linked to incest and child crime. This Saturday, January 16, it is on social networks that many of its concerned Internet users speak about their experiences, with the hashtag #MeTooIncest.

Denounce the omerta

On the same model as the "Me Too" movement, brought to light in 2017 following the revelations about the American producer Harvey Weinstein, where millions of women all over the world have spoken out about the gender-based and sexual violence of which they were victims , these French Internet users tell of the abuses they suffered as children, in the family sphere, as well as the omerta that reigns there.

"My maternal grandfather was a pedophile predator. I was one of his many victims. Even today it is a taboo for many members of our family. 30 years later, I still struggle daily for myself ( re) build "testifies one of them. "I'm 57 and still a victim of this past," wrote another.

Chilling testimonials that number in the thousands, hashatg being at the top of Twitter trends for several hours.

The President of the Women's Foundation, Anne-Cécile Mailfert, said she was "blown away" by "the courage of the people who testify". She directly appealed to the Secretary of State for Child Protection, Adrien Taquet, to ask him "when will the law be?"

As a reminder, 165,000 children are raped each year in France, and 3 children per class are said to be victims of incest.

To read also: "In France, a child raped by an adult must prove his non-consent": associations wind up against the Schiappa law

Christelle murhula

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