Pandemic etiquette: 10 sentences your colleagues hate you for

Pandemic no-gos
10 sentences your coworkers hate you for now

© Cabeca de Marmore / Shutterstock

The home office is a real problem for many of us. And then sometimes there are also lousy sayings from colleagues. In all honesty: just let it stick!

Whether as a lonely single without contacts, as a couple in a 45-square-meter apartment or a mom with children who want to be entertained at work: Corona presents us all with different challenges. It's just damn hard! Smart shit or praise for their discipline is the last thing we want to hear from our colleagues. Nevertheless, such no-go sentences reach us again and again: Via mail, chat, video call … dear colleagues: It is enough! In the pandemic, more than ever, you should practice exploring when to keep silent. And in these cases you should definitely:

  1. I'm glad I have a fully ergonomically designed desk!
  2. Our apartment is so big – I can work in a different room practically every day.
  3. There's something nice about being able to spend so much time with your children now, right?
  4. So I always do an hour of sport during the lunch break!
  5. Home office is great – I can make my green smoothies in the morning in peace.
  6. I'm always so stressed in the home office, I lose weight completely!
  7. A second home by the sea is expensive – but in lockdown it pays off twice!
  8. Can you speak more clearly please Your kid is so loud in the background …
  9. I am glad that I am not single. So I can always spend the lunch breaks with my partner … (wink, wink)
  10. I don't even need a lunch break at home. I always work through it!

Notice yourself, right?

By the way, the most effective means of countering annoying colleagues' sayings is very simple: Turn the sound off! But of course not always possible. Then the "What the Fuck" face and a friendly "Remember it yourself, right?" We all keep our fingers crossed that normality will soon return to a certain extent and that we just wearily smile away stupid sayings, because otherwise life is just so beautiful!
