Piers Morgan: Moderator is poisoning again against Harry and Meghan

Piers Morgan
Moderator is poisoning again against Harry and Meghan

Piers Morgan kicks off Harry and Meghan.

© Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

Moderator Piers Morgan once again let go of his frustration with Meghan in a TV interview. This time Harry wasn’t spared either.

It’s not even a month since Piers Morgan (56) quit his job at “Good Morning Britain” after making critical statements against Duchess Meghan (39). Now the star presenter is again railing against the previous royals – this time also against Prince Harry (36). “What happened to this guy?” Morgan asked recently on the US talk show “today” by Tucker Carlson (51). “That in his mid-30s he turned into that tearful brat who complains that his father no longer wants to finance everything for him?”

17 false statements from Harry and Meghan?

He accuses Meghan of “dropping everyone and everything” “when she sees no more use”. She would ruthlessly exploit Harry’s royal title of “hundreds of millions of dollars”. Morgan also claims that 17 different statements by the couple are “completely wrong, massively exaggerated or not verifiable”, including Meghan’s allegations of racism and her thoughts of suicide, which were discussed in an interview with talk icon Oprah Winfrey (67).

“She accuses two people of being incredibly cruel. If that’s true, tell us names of those people so we can ask them if that’s true. So we can ask: Do you have a suicidal woman who is contemplating suicide? said she couldn’t get any help? “said Morgan. In his opinion, it is impossible to believe.

The moderator is still standing by his statements, which he let loose after the Oprah interview on “Good Morning Britain” against Harry and Meghan. He denied the accusations of numerous viewers that he was racist: “I’m not a racist, I just don’t believe her.”
