Psychology: 15 people share the most valuable tips from their therapy

Need some smart advice from a professional? Then you can either go to one immediately – or just read on …

Let’s be honest: almost everyone can use a little professional help in life. How practical that on “Reddit” numerous people have shared the best advice and tips from their psychotherapists – maybe one or the other will also help us a bit.

People share the best tips from their psychotherapist

1. It’s all “just” in my head

“Regarding my panic attacks, the phrase, ‘Nobody has ever died from a panic attack‘, everything changed for me. It may seem obvious and mundane, but when you panic, being able to remember a phrase like that from someone you respect and trust is a tremendous help. Just remembering that no matter how convinced I am that I am going to die, the truth is that I will NOT die. What is happening right now is terrible, and it will remain terrible, but it can’t kill me. This is probably the most helpful thing anyone has ever said to me. ”

2. Long-term and irrevocable …

“A friend once said to me, ‘Suicide is a long-term solution to a short-term problem.'”

3. Now or never

“In our couples therapy, the sentence was: ‘Work on it now with this person or come back with the next.'”

4. Winds of Change

“The only thing in life we ​​can count on is change.”

5. The size does not matter

“Do something small every day, something bigger every week, and something big every month. How big or small the things you choose actually are depends on your resources – do something that you can do, no matter how small you start out. “

6. Nobody’s perfect

“It’s okay to make mistakes. Nobody is perfect.”

7. Carpe diem

“Life is a moment in the light of eternity. Make it yours and not some insignificant lump.”

8. Follow up instead of short-circuiting

“My therapist always advises me to be ‘curious’ instead of getting sad, disappointed, or angry. For some reason, it always changes my attitude when we look back and she tells me to be curious about why someone said or did something . This way I question things and look for reasons instead of simply reacting. “

9. What you can and cannot control

“I cannot control other people’s behavior, but I can control my attitudes and reactions to it. I have chosen to react in ways that will improve my life.”

10. Count the little things

“It’s perfectly fine to live for even the smallest things. Even if it’s just the next sunrise.”

11. All people are equally different

“It’s okay to be a special snowflake. Somehow we all are.”

12. Trying is about not trying

“Try different things, but do something. Meet new people. Only then will you have the opportunity to find something that will make you happy.”

13. Happiness is a choice

“I can choose to be happy. It took me a few years to decide that I deserve to be happy. But at some point it worked.”

14. Our time is limited

“Life is hard and then you die.”

15. Honesty lasts the longest

“Tell the truth. It’s amazing how often we tell little lies, out of convenience or perceived necessity. Yes, there are situations in which you may feel that lying is the best and safest option. But if you don’t tell honestly can what you feel and think you have to pretend to be someone you are not, you are only harming yourself.

The best part about being honest is that you don’t have to remember exactly what you said or did. You can trust your own memory without thinking too long or trying to maintain your falsehood. Believe me, even when it comes to the little things, it can be of great value. “

The answers come from different Reddit threads. Click here for the originals: Thread 1, Thread 2, Thread 3, Thread 4. If you want to share or discuss your best psychological tip, take a look at ours Community past!
