Psychology: 6 phrases that show you’re in tune with your feelings

6 phrases that characterize emotionally stable people

Psychology: Emotional stability can be expressed through these phrases.

Be completely authentic and in tune with your own feelings: A psychologist explains which six sentences play a particularly important role in this.

What is the secret of these people with the enviable talent of simply not being disturbed by anything? Emotionally stable people are visibly comfortable in their own skin, and you can clearly see that. They don’t disguise themselves to please others, but remain true to their principles and to themselves. And not only that: according to Harvard psychologist Dr. Cortney Warren, people with this basic level of self-confidence are better at dealing with conflict and are more likely to be vulnerable in front of others. She can tie this special emotional stability to certain sentences that struck her at work. Of course, these sentences are not the only reason why these people appear and act with such a special self-confidence and so much prudence – but they are a clear expression of the fact that someone is clearly in tune with their feelings and thoughts and doesn’t think so about anything easily thrown out of sync.

Emotional stability: These phrases represent authenticity and self-confidence

Characteristics of emotionally stable people include, for example, not being easily controlled by their own emotions, setting clear boundaries and acting according to an inner value system. At the same time, however, they are aware that they are not perfect and are open to constructive criticism and new experiences. Because that is exactly the trick of these self-confidence artists: to keep an eye on what is important to them and how they would like to be treated by other people in a quiet but sustainable way, which is also reflected in their communication. In the video you can see which sentences can also help you to be emotionally stable.

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