Queen Noor: First sign of life after Prince Hussein’s marriage

Queen Noor
First sign of life after Prince Hussein’s dream wedding

Queen Noor

© Dana Press

June began in Jordan with a lavish wedding party, but Queen Noor didn’t want to know anything about it – she was silent for two weeks. Jordan’s former queen is now speaking online.

When Prince Hussein, 28, said yes to the architect Rajwa Al Saif, 29, on June 1, 2023, there was no trace of Queen Noor, 71. In contrast to the international royal elite, the former queen of Jordan stayed away from the wedding ceremony – or was she not invited at all?

Queen Noor speaks out on Twitter

After all, the fourth wife of King Hussein I, †63, did not send any public congratulations to the newlyweds. And that despite the fact that she is actually quite active on her official Twitter account. The 71-year-old has held back for two weeks since the crown prince’s lavish wedding party, on June 14 she reported back online for the first time.

For example, Queen Noor comments on a post by the Radio Society of Great Britain announcing that she will be donating the “ham radio equipment of His late Majesty King Hussein of Jordan, JY1, to the Society” with the words: “My late Husband, King Hussein, would have been delighted that the equipment he used at our working base in the UK was so honored by you. I have kept his Jordanian equipment for our country.”

According to the Radio Society of Great Britain, King Hussein was a “great ambassador for amateur radio and whenever his official duties permitted his call sign JY1 could be heard on the amateur radio bands.” The deceased monarch “always acted modestly and never announced himself as King Hussein, but only as ‘Hussein of Jordan’.”

Frosty relationship between Noor and the royal couple

The relationship between Queen Noor and King Abdullah, 62, and Queen Rania, 51, has cooled more and more in recent years. It all started at Rania and Abdullah’s wedding on June 10, 1993, when Noor was not allowed to pose with the family for the official photos. The situation did not get any easier when Rania took his place on the throne six years after Noor’s wedding and King Abdullah stripped her son Prince Hamzah, 43, of the title of Crown Prince on 28 November 2004. The situation escalated when Abdullah accused his half-brother of “conspiracy” and “destabilizing the kingdom” in 2021 and placed him under house arrest.

Sources used: twitter.com, rsgb.org


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