Redout II: the sequel to the futuristic racing game dated with a music video

In the vein of WipEout and F-Zero, 34BigThings launched in 2016 Redout, a racing game with anti-gravity ships. The title has obviously met with some success, a sequel was announced late last yearshe has since been entitled to gameplayand the developers are back today with a new trailer:

With the title riot of Dance with the Dead in the background, we learn that Redout II release date is set for May 26, 2022 on PC (Steam and Epic Games Store), PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch. The game will offer a way Career enhanced with 36 tracks, all reversible, arena racing, Against the watch and even of Last Man Standing, not to mention races against bosses. Multiplayer will be present to compete with up to 12 pilots online (6 on Switch) with challenges and seasonal rewards. Players will be able to customize their flying vehicles with 12 chassis and various options such as thrusters, stabilizers, fins or paint. Finally, the soundtrack will include titles by Giorgio Moroder, Zardonic and so Dance with the Dead.

Waiting for the release of Redout II at the end of the month, you can find the first part in its Solar Challenge Edition to €29.99 on

Writer – Tester

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