René de Obaldia: “I will soon leave myself”

NOTe have an appointment, near Saint-Lazare, with a Panamanian count born in Hong Kong shortly before the armistice of 1918. Is this possible? Yet this is exactly what defines René de Obaldia, born October 22, 1918, dean of the French Academy, in his last work, Pearls of life (Grasset, 2017): “I will be leaving myself soon. ” And who had dared this delicious phrase in The century, wrote at the age of 40: “I last so long that it borders on indecency. ”

Her companion, Maria, a very smiling African woman, opens the door to an apartment for us in a row. Here, little hidden stairs, there, doors from which a Harlequin or a Pulcinella could emerge. ” He’s waiting for you. “ There he is, proudly wearing his 103 years, in a …

Marc Be / ALAMO

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