“She’s going to dump me”: Prince Harry and his bad patch with Meghan Markle

In 2016, the prince harry broke millions of hearts. The most coveted bachelor of the moment formalized his relationship with actress Meghan Markle. If on paper, the actress had nothing predisposed to enter the royal family, Prince Harry let his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, know that she was the right one. The rest of their story confirmed it: on May 19, 2018, Harry and Meghan Markle said ‘yes’ to St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. A year later, Archie comes to expand their family, followed by Lilibet two years later. At the beginning of their relationship, there was no indication that such a future awaited the lovers. Prince Harry even believed that he was going to be left by Meghan Markle.

Having become a power couple, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were obviously at the heart of all the attention, those of photographers in particular. This detail did not really please the former star of Suits, uncomfortable with the consequences of his new status. Marked forever by the disappearance of his mother in a car accident, Prince Harry then feared that a decision of his sweet would put an end to their relationship: “He panicked and said to himself: ‘She’s going to dump me'” said a relative in the pages of the Times. Ready to do anything to keep Meghan Markle by his side, Prince Harry showed his teeth and defended tooth and nail the woman he loves.

From now on, the slightest attack on his wife, “subject to a wave of abuse and harassment“in the past, will be countered to convict”the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and web article comments“. Faced with so much courage and determination, Meghan Markle could only be reassured. In 2017, she spoke for the first time of her darling in these terms to Vanity Fair : “It comes in waves. Some days it’s harder than others. It’s weird how things have changed. But I have supportive people around me, and of course my boyfriend’s support“. Harry, prince to the end.

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