Skipping breakfast: what are the consequences for health? A dietician responds: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

The statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is the subject of much debate. Some experts believe that it is essential for a balanced diet, others are convinced of the opposite. So, who to believe?

Skipping breakfast weakens the immune system

According to a study conducted by researchers at the Icahn Mount Sinai Research Institute, published in the specialized journal Immunity on February 23, 2023, starting the day on an empty stomach would have an impact on the immune system and increase cardiovascular risk. To reach this conclusion, the researchers analyzed two groups of mice: one which had eaten breakfast in the morning and the other which had not. Fasted mice were more vulnerable to infections. However, there is no question of forcing yourself to eat in the morning if you are not hungry. This amounts to practicing intermittent fasting, the health benefits of which have been widely demonstrated, particularly in that it allows the digestive system to rest. It is not obligatory to provide glucose to the body since it can produce it on its own from its reserves.

Skipping breakfast could promote hypoglycemia and weight gain

We often hear that skipping breakfast causes hypoglycemia and promotes weight gain. “It is true that the absence of breakfast can cause hypoglycemia at the end of the morning and that this can cause cravings. Very often, compensation occurs. Naturally, we will be hungrier the rest of the day. Many people snack throughout the day and eat late at night, so they have less appetite the next morning. admits dietician Pauline Pied. However, skipping breakfast does not have dramatic consequences, except for diabetics. As for weight gain, the specialist wants to be reassuring: “Just because you skip breakfast doesn’t mean you’ll gain weight, especially if it’s occasional. Weight gain results from a combination of concomitant factors. she wants to clarify.

Foods to avoid at breakfast

On the other hand, certain foods should be avoided in the morning according to our expert, notably pastries and brioche which are very sweet and do not fill you up. Beyond the fact that these foods promote weight gain, they cause a blood sugar spike in the middle of the morning and with it, a drop in energy. “Ideally, you should eat a salty and protein breakfast, for example eggs, a fruit and a dairy product. But if you have a sweet tooth, it is entirely possible to prepare a slice of bread. As long as the breakfast is balanced with a portion of starches, fats and proteins, whether sweet or savory, it’s fine.”concludes the specialist.

Thanks to Pauline Pied, dietician-nutritionist

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