Stashing, the unhealthy trend that is spreading among couples

After the ghosting or the love bombing, a new unhealthy behavior comes to mar the emerging couple relationships, it is about the stashing.

What is stashing?

In English "stash" literally means "to hide". Stashing therefore consists of putting aside your partner, not presenting him or her to those close to them, never mentioning their name on social networks … In short, acting with others as if you were single, to the detriment of his / her spouse who can only suffer from this situation.

Why is this dangerous?

This situation is terribly devastating for the self-confidence of the hidden being. Indeed, feeling like a shameful secret leads one to question oneself, "Why is the loved one so afraid to introduce me to everyone?","What is wrong with me?","Am I worthy to date her?"Many questions thus fuse in the mind of the occulted person to the point of demeaning themselves and thinking that the problem has to be with them.

In order to know if you are truly a victim of stashing, it is essential to have a posed discussion with your partner on the issue. Maybe it's just a matter of shyness or timing! However, if the blame is on you and there is no way to improve the situation in the long run, RUN!

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