Storm standstill at the Rheinhafen Basel blocks Swiss goods

If the Rhine near Basel Rheinhalle carries more than 820 cm of water, large shipping is stopped. This high water mark was reached days ago. On Thursday morning the Rhine level was 902 cm. And relaxation is not in sight, on the contrary: for Thursday evening, the Federal Office for the Environment is forecasting an increase in the level to a high of 953 cm.

Freight shipping on the Rhine has therefore been suspended for days. Well over 20 ships are currently stuck in Basel’s Rhine ports. As of Thursday, there were ten freight ships in the Basel port of Kleinhüningen. In the two Baselbiet ports, 14 barges are currently waiting for the onward journey: ten in the Auhafen Muttenz and four in the port of Rheinfelden, as the Swiss Rhine ports say on request.