Tag: 059133/40-3333
Robbery failed – grinning gas station robber stopped laughing
He was, to put it politely, poorly prepared: A robber came into a gas station in Linz without a mask or gloves and pulled out a knife he had brought…
Information requested – fire in warehouse was started by arsonist
The heat was so high that even fire engines were damaged. In the middle of the town center of Lohnsburg (Upper Austria), a warehouse in which wood was stored burned…
In a supermarket – masked robber attacked and tied up three women
Scenes like those in a crime thriller took place on Friday evening in a supermarket in Vöcklabruck. A masked robber intercepted three employees at the back entrance, threatened them with…
Gone for a week – photos show Roland K. before his disappearance
Roland K. was last seen by his friends in Upper Austria at 3:30 a.m. on December 10, after which the trail is lost. Family and friends are desperately looking for…