Tag: Krampus
Use a Stealth Neigionnaire disguise near the Krampus and his hiding place, Winterfest challenge – Fortnite
[ad_1] A new and exciting challenge for the player Fоrtnіtе at the end of year celebration. This is not really surprising, given that the Game is always a major event…
Massive head injury – Beaten up by Krampus: Victim lost memory
The Lienz police are looking for witnesses to a case of serious bodily harm that occurred a week ago in Zwergergasse. Apparently Krampus were involved, but no event was registered.…
More than 40 people – thousands of visitors to the Maxglaner Krampus Run
More than 40 Krampuspassen paraded through the streets of Salzburg-Maxglan on Friday. The devil characters wanted to give it their all again before the wild time this year is over.…
At a run in Klagenfurt – Krampus as a victim: thieves looted the changing room
On Saturday evening, brazen thieves targeted the members of the various Krampus groups who were taking part in the big run in Klagenfurt. While 50,000 visitors in Klagenfurt admired the…
During a move in Tyrol – Krampus gone wild injured girls’ stomachs
A resident of hell must have overshot the mark! The unknown man, who was dressed as Krampus during a parade in Tyrol’s Ötztal, injured a girl (14) in the stomach…
Krampus Day in Salzburg – Dark fellows drove through the streets
Comments Dear reader, the comment function will be available to you again as usual from 6 a.m. Kind regardsthe krone.at team User contributions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of…
After a two-year break – spectacular Krampus run in Haiming
After a two-year break, it was time again: The Krampus run in Haiming! The spooky event made numerous spectators shudder, the Krampuses went full throttle! After a two-year break, St.…
Warzone: Krampus will influence Godzilla and King Kong
[ad_1] The Creative Director of Call of Duty: Warzone explained how the first event with Krampus served the developers to polish the arrival of King Kong and Godzilla. The event…
Krampus is still on Warzone and it pisses players off
[ad_1] The developers of Call of Duty: Warzone Pacific have decided to keep Krampus for extra time during the Festivities event. The Krampus monster arrived on Warzone & Vanguard as…
When will Krampus leave Warzone and Vanguard
[ad_1] Krampus rode on Vanguard and Warzone for quite some time now, frustrating players so much that most consider it to have completely spoiled the Festivities. The question everyone is…
Call of Duty: Warzone – Krampus makes users cry
[ad_1] “Warzone” players from all over the world are currently experiencing the terror that many children experience year after year in regions where the traditions surrounding Krampus are alive. As…
Torn by the head – the pensioner hit the child with a wooden Krampus mask
An initially unknown man attacked two children on Tuesday around 4.30 p.m. for unknown reasons who were dressed as Krampusse in Mattighofen, Upper Austria. The attacker tore the wooden mask…