Tattoos: Proper preparation and care are essential

Proper preparation and care are essential

Most tattoo artists specialize in certain styles.

© ViDI Studio /

In order for the tattoo to retain its shape and color after the piercing, you should pay attention to these points before and after the tattoo session.

Especially in summer they reappear under dresses, shorts and T-shirts: tattoos. According to an Ipsos survey, around one in five Germans has color under their skin. And the hype that has existed for years continues. However, if you want to get under the needle, you should prepare for it. In retrospect, hasty holiday tattoos may lead to disappointment. Not only the motif and the tattoo artist should only be chosen after careful consideration. Proper care and hygiene before and after the piercing are particularly important so that the result is happy and there are no complications.

Talk to a doctor before planning

For most people, tattoos are safe with proper preparation and follow-up. But not for everyone. Anyone who suffers from psoriasis or neurodermatitis or who has a particularly large number of moles or very light skin should seek advice from a doctor beforehand. This also applies to diabetics, because the resulting scar may heal more poorly with them than with others.

Rethink the choice of tattoo studio and the color of the subject

Before getting down to the nitty-gritty, you should ask yourself: Do I really want to have a certain tattoo permanently under the skin? Spontaneous decisions could ultimately lead to remorse. When you know what you want, the next step is to find the right tattoo artist for the desired subject. Particular attention should be paid to the strengths. On their websites, the artists usually explain what kind of tattoos they prefer to do. If you want small, fine lettering, for example, a fine-line artist is the best choice. Others, on the other hand, specialize in large, colorful motifs, while others specialize in lettering or single lines. To get an impression of the work, it is worth taking a look at the social media presences of the various providers. Hygiene should also be important: The tattoo area should be separate from others in the studio.

In addition to the choice of motif and the right tattoo studio, color also plays an important role. You should be especially careful with red. It hurts more than others when stinging, fades faster and is more likely to cause allergies and inflammation. Black ink, which mainly contains the soot dye “carbon black”, had negative results in tests: it was contaminated with carcinogenic aromatic hydrocarbons. The colors used should correspond to the German Tattooing Agent Ordinance. And: paint also has an expiration date. You should also check that before tattooing.

Before tattooing: Do not exercise and do not shave

Is the appointment coming up? Then you shouldn’t do any sport beforehand, because the strong blood circulation afterwards could make the pain worse when tattooing. The use of a razor is also taboo before the sting, because it could cause minor skin irritations or pimples. Usually the tattoo artist shaves the affected area just before the start. You should also refrain from alcohol or other drugs before the appointment. These could affect blood clotting – and in the end the result is not nice. Another tip: eat something beforehand. Since tattooing puts a strain on the circulation, you shouldn’t open up in the studio on an empty stomach.

After tattooing: Maintain the motif well and permanently

The tattoo turned out beautiful – and it should stay that way. Proper care is required for this. Since the skin is wounded when tattooing and has to heal afterwards, you should refrain from exercising for up to a week and wear loose clothing in the affected area. To prevent inflammation from getting into the open wound, the tattoo is first covered with a film. This must be changed regularly. To do this, peel off the cling film, carefully wash the tattoo with water without soap or shower gel and then apply lotion with disinfected hands. There are special tattoo ointments, but common wound and healing ointments can also be used. Then carefully place the foil back on the tattoo and connect it airtight.

If the wound is closed, the foil comes off. Then rub the tattoo regularly with moisturizing cream so that the color intensity is retained. Caution is also advised when sunbathing: tattoos should be protected with at least a sun protection factor of 50 so that they do not fade.
