Test: Ravenbound is a damn raven of doom

On the Scandinavian island of Àvalt, in a world parallel to ours where magic is part of everyday life, the inhabitants are very annoyed. Because in terms of mythology, things are not going well. Isolated on their pebble in the middle of the ocean, the Àvaltois (Àvaltais? Àvaltasiens?) are protected by the pantheon of the Ellris, six in number, until the goddess of death succumbs to Anger with a capital C , a sort of corrupting miasma. To prevent their sister from genociding the human species, the kind Ellris sacrifice their energy in order to forge a weapon, the Raven, receptive of their divine potential. This Raven can become infatuated with fragile mortals, called Vessels, to make them great champions. In exchange, when they die, the life force of said mortals strengthens the bird, so that one day, it will bless a warrior powerful enough or talented enough to defeat the fatal goddess. Narrative pretext to justify the roguelite aspect. Each death restarts a random run with another Ship, and the loop sets in.

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