The 20 best flat jokes: bet you laugh?

Flat jokes are not called that for a reason, of course. But now hand on heart, these are a bit funny anyway, right?

Yo, we're actually far too intelligent for flat jokes. That's right, but it's of no use to us. In our editorial office, no one has managed to get to joke number 10 without laughing. You can do better? Try it!

1. Why should you never drink cola and beer at the same time?

Because then you collapse.

2. What do cars like to eat best?


3. Who lives in the jungle and always cheats?


4. "Tell me, is the fish always so annoying?"

"Yes, he is a sturgeon.

5. Why can skeletons lie badly?

Because they are so easy to see through.

6. What does the big pen say about the small pen?

"Wax crayon"

7. What was the mood like in the GDR?

It was limited.

8. What do bosses drink?

tap water

9. What does a clown do in the office?


10. What do you call rabbits in the gym?


11. Two magnets meet.

One says: "What should I wear?"

12. What is green and is coming?

A knocking lettuce

13. Two toothpicks go through the forest. A hedgehog comes by.

Says one toothpick: "I didn't even know that there was a bus here."

14.What is cute and smiles over the fields?

A fireplace

15. What is sitting on a tree and waving?

A huhu

16. What is white and looks through the keyhole?

A fitted sheet.

17. What is the favorite food of pirates?


18. I don't understand why my plants always dry up.

Jochen, 54, is on the tube.

19. What do you call someone who pretends to throw something?

A headlight.

20. What does a cat dream of at night?

From sore muscles

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