the Assembly votes for additional aid of 115,200 euros Christmas

The National Assembly voted on Wednesday evening for an exceptional allowance of 115 to 200 euros for precarious single-parent families, supplementing the 2023 Christmas bonus, a socialist proposal supported by the government.

The measure should concern around 600,000 families at a cost of 70 million euros, according to the PS. It is included in the 2023 end-of-management finance bill, which was adopted at first reading by 91 votes to 41, and will be sent to the Senate. This is added to the Christmas bonus, the basic amount of which is fixed at 152 euros and increases according to the number of children. The socialist Philippe Brun explained that he wanted to provide a little help to all these families who are struggling.

This amendment also allowed the government to ensure the abstention of the socialists on this bill and to avoid a repeat recourse to article 49.3 of the Constitution, already triggered numerous times to pass the various aspects of the bill without a vote. State and Social Security budget for 2024. The deputies also supported during the debates 20 million euros in additional credits for food aid associations and 6.7 million for emergency accommodation.

New budgetary tool, the end of management bill allows for credit adjustments for the current financial year. The deputies notably increased the support fund of France Kiev by 200 million euros, to allow the Ukrainian army to continue its purchases of French equipment, with new rules of co-financing by Ukraine. They also unanimously voted for 40 million euros to provide territorial continuity to Corsica, to ensure connections between the island and the continent.

In agricultural matters, the National Assembly voted for an emergency fund of 20 million euros to support wine growers affected by downy mildew, after significant damage in the South-West during the year. The bill already provided for an increase in appropriations for the Ministry of Agriculture by 800 million euros after the avian flu epidemic. The deputies also added an extension to the fishing sector of 6.8 million euros.

Overseas, deputies obtained an additional two million euros to strengthen the plan to combat sargassum, very large invasive brown algae. The end of management bill still forecasts growth of 1% in 2023 and a deficit of 4.9% of GDP. Faced with rising interest rates and inflation, this text opens 3.8 billion additional credits in order to cope with the increase in the debt burden, indicated Budget Minister Thomas Cazenave.

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