The new LoL champion will be Zeri, the Spark of Zaun

Zeri, Champion, New, ADC, LoL, Character, Spark, Zaun, League of Legends, Carry AD, botlane

A new recruit soon arrives in the rift, Zeri, the Spark of Zaun. A colorful ADC that was leaked on the official League of Legends site. Yes, Riot sometimes misses.

At the moment, we have very little information on her except that it seems that she is ADC. All we have is his biography, leaked on the League of Legends Universe site, then withdrawn as of this writing.

This did not prevent the community from seizing the little information about him. We therefore know that Zeri would be a street child of Zaun and that she would also have special ties to Ekko. In addition, the latter could use a rifle that it would charge with its own electricity.

Zeri is a lively and reckless young woman from the underprivileged neighborhoods of Zaun. She channels her inner electricity in order to charge it into a gun designed especially for her. Her magical power is a reflection of her emotions, and her sparks are as dazzling as her character. Resolutely turned towards others, Zeri uses her love for her family and her neighborhood during every fight. Despite all his goodwill, however, events don’t always go as planned. That said, Zeri is sure of one thing: if you fight for your community, she will fight with you.

There is no doubt that Zeri should unveil more as soon as next cycle on the PBE coming soon. We just have to wait. You can also consult the official LoL patch schedule for 2022.

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