the surgeon amputates his penis, the hospital doomed

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The administrative court sentenced the Nantes University Hospital for having amputated the patient’s penis. According to justice, this operation could have been avoided if there had not been shortcomings in the care of this man suffering from skin cancer.

“I have hatred towards this doctor who did not listen to me.” On Wednesday December 21, 2022, the Nantes University Hospital was condemned by the administrative court for a medical error on a man who had to have the penis removed because of a bad treatment protocol. It was in 2014 that this 30-year-old was diagnosed with skin cancer in the penis. A urologist from the Nantes University Hospital then removes the tumor, report our colleagues from France Blue, which relate the case. Despite everything, it spreads, and to cope with the pain, the patient takes many drugs such as morphine, Tramadol and codeine. “I was completely crazy, there was even a moment when I wanted to cut myself. It was my wife who stopped me. I had the cutter, the Betadine, and I was preparing my thing in the garage”he confided.

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It was a few years later, as the cancer continued to progress, that a doctor in Lyon decided total penile amputation. “It was either death or that”confides this father of three children, to whom the doctor has “everything removed”leaving “just the testicles”. For him, the Nantes University Hospital urologist wanted play russian roulette with him and his cancer, while a medical report clearly demonstrates the error of this specialist who has not removed all cells patient’s cancers. Now 38, he is currently in remission from lung cancer. For this damage caused by this medical error, which led to the removal of his penis, the 38-year-old man claimed one million euros. Finally, the Nantes administrative court sentenced the hospital to nearly 62,000 euros.

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The patient pleads “psychological harm”

“Disgusted” by this decision, the patient said to himself “devastated” by this verdict which he judges “ashamed”. His lawyer, Me Parastatis, has already assured France Bleu that his client was going to appeal “to highlight the uniqueness of this case, which French administrative case law has difficulty understanding”. “The psychological harm was not taken into account”, he clarified. The amputated patient, he did not hide how much, years later, this ablation is still a trauma for him. “There, I no longer feel anything. Afterwards, we manage… But we cannot replace a feeling of penis with several sensors”he thus specified to France Bleu.

People and society journalist

Series, people, TV, society, Pauline likes to vary the subjects. A fan of travel and pop culture, she is interested in all trends and has a small passion for…

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