The trick to removing bad smells in suitcases


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If your suitcase gives off a musty or musty smell, here are some simple and free tips to give it a breath of fresh air.

Vacation time has finally come and you have taken care to wash and select all the clothes you plan to take with you. Little last minute problem: you have just realized that your suitcase smelled very badcertainly because of the dirty and wet clothes that you had left lying around inside… Rest assured, if you have a short night ahead of you before your departure, there is simple and effective tips for cleaning it. As often when it comes to hygiene, white vinegar and baking soda will be your best allies.

The first thing to do to deodorize your suitcase is to remove everything lying around inside and then sprinkle it with baking soda until you reach all the corners and all the compartments. Then close it and leave it as it is overnight. The next day, remove all the baking soda with the vacuum cleaner. If the musty smell is tough, you have to go to the next step.

These other effective tips for deodorizing your suitcase

To eliminate all bad smells from your suitcase, you can then prepare a spray bottle in which you will mix water, white vinegar and essential oils. Then spray the solution all over the suitcase and leave it wide open to dry. If you ever do not have white vinegar at home, we advise you to conceive in a small bowl a solution with water (120 ml) and half a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid. With a microfiber cloth previously soaked in the mixture, go all over the suitcase, without getting it too wet. With another dry cloth, wipe out all excess moisture in the suitcase, drying it as much as possible, then leave it open to dry completely.

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