these 6 common foods not to eat in the morning to avoid blood sugar spikes

It’s not uncommon to start the day with a sweet breakfast. Cereals, fruit juices, white bread… But according to professionals, there are 6 foods that are better to avoid in the morning because of the blood sugar spike they cause.

If you start your day with the wrong foods, it can lead to many negative effects on your health. Some may be convenient or delicious, but most are full of sugar and bad fats. By removing them, individuals can reduce their overall calorie intake, promote better metabolic health, and decrease inflammation, all crucial steps to better overall health.

These 6 foods should be avoided during your breakfast because they can cause a spike in blood sugar but also trigger inflammatory reactions which will impact your energy and cause more serious health problems in the long term.

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1. Cereals

Cereals are the first food to ban from your morning diet. Many cereals are made from refined grains, which do not contain the fiber found in whole grains. Refined carbohydrates are quickly digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. This rapid digestion causes an insulin spike, which is not good for your health and can have long-term effects.

“If cereals do not contain fiber, they do not help regulate blood sugar. If you want to have cereals for breakfast in the morning, look for those with less than 10% of calories from sugar, in the Ideally, they should not contain sugar. You can help regulate your blood sugar by eating them with dried fruits, which are a source of fiber, and milk, which is a good source of protein. The presence of protein and fiber in foods helps release sugar slowly into the blood, which helps control spikes in blood sugar.”said Michelle Saari, registered dietitian.

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2. Fruit juice

Another food that is not recommended to have for breakfast (and which will not please some people) is fruit juice. Indeed, the latter contain a lot of natural sugars which quickly enter the bloodstream, causing a spike in blood sugar levels. It is therefore advisable to turn to whole fruits to avoid a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.

According to Lisa Richards, certified nutrition coach: “Sugary drinks have been linked to an increased risk of insulin resistance, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems“.

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3. Donuts

The third food to ban from your breakfast is none other than… donuts. And yes, although delicious, donuts can have negative effects on health because regularly consuming donuts for breakfast high sugar consumption is associated with increased levels of inflammatory markers.

Refined sugar is a sugar from which all its vitamins and minerals have been removed. This sugar therefore does not have no nutritional benefit other than providing pure energy to your body, but very quickly. The excess energy will then be quickly stored in the body. Donuts contain a lot of refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and processed ingredients. “They are usually made with refined wheat flour and are full of added sugars, which cause a rapid rise in blood sugar when eaten. This sudden spike in blood sugar triggers a corresponding increase in insulin to regulate sugar levels, which can be harmful to the body in the long termLisa Richards then explained.

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4. Pastries

Breakfast pastries are instant comfort, but are not recommended for your breakfast. Loaded with refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and processed flour, these sweet treats can contribute to problems like weight gain and cause inflammatory reactions in the body. “Pastry cakes are inflammatory and harm gut health due to their high sugar and refined flour contentwarns Lisa Richards.

5. Cereal bars

Cereal bars, which contain refined grains, added sugars and often dried fruit or chocolate chips, can quickly raise blood sugar levels. The caloric density of cereal bars associated with their high carbohydrate content can contribute to excessive caloric intake and hinder weight loss in case of excessive consumption.

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According to Michelle Saari, the best thing you can do for your health is to ditch the granola bars and make your own snack mixwith mixed nuts for protein and healthy fats, popcorn for fiber and whole grains, and a fruit for fiber. It’s the ideal combination to help manage blood sugar levels.”.

6. White bread and bagels

Finally, according to health professionals, white bread and many bagels should be banned from your breakfast. If your bread or bagel isn’t high in fiber, it can lead to imbalances in gut health and contribute to insulin resistance. Indeed, fiber plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar, satiety and maintaining a healthy gut microbiota.

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A graduate of the Nice School of Journalism, I am 26 years old and I am from the South of France. Passionate about reading and sport, I am also a…

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