These 7 processed foods to avoid to slow aging, according to an expert

Aging is inevitable, but did you know that certain foods speed up this process? Discover advice from dermatologists on seven processed foods to limit to preserve the youthfulness of your skin. From margarine to sugary cereals, these food choices can affect the elasticity of your skin and promote the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots.

THE aging is a process that we all have to face sooner or later, but some food could accelerate this phenomenon. If you are concerned about the wrinkles and the fine lines that appear before their time, it might be wise to listen to what the experts in care of the skin have to say. Of the dermatologists and doctorsdiscovered what are the seven sweet treats and responsible for chemical products to avoid if you want to maintain elasticity of your skin and avoid fine lines, dark spots and that dreaded appearance of dehydrated skin and sagging.

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Read on for advice and perspectives of the dermatologist certified, Dr. Elaine F. Kungfounder of Future Bright Dermatologythe skincare expert Dr. Adrienne O’Connellmedical director and president of Laguna Beach Aesthetics, Dr Simran Sethifounder of RenewMD and Skin by Dr. Simran SethiAnd Dr. Enrizza P. Factordermatologist and editor at My Eczema Team.

7 Processed Foods That Lead to Dull Complexion and Accelerated Aging

  • 1. Whole butter and margarine

According to Dr. Elaine F. Kung, “dairy products increase IGF-1 levels, causing oilier skin”. Too much vitamin D and calcium can also make skin oily, unhydrated. Dr. Adrienne O’Connell suggests avoiding excessive consumption of dairy products. Robyn Newmark adds that margarine, often rich in hydrogenated oils, “accelerates the aging of the skin by making it more vulnerable to UV rays and increasing inflammation”.

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  • 2. Savory potato chips

“Salt draws water from cells and causes dry skin,” explains Dr. Simran Sethi. Consuming chips that are too salty can therefore contribute to wrinkles and a dull complexion. The high salt and sugar content of chips also promotes hardening of skin proteins.

Dr. Nadir Qazi warns against refined carbohydrates like those in white bread which “stimulate sebum production”. These carbohydrates lead to insulin spikes which, in turn, promote oilier skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

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“Excessive consumption of refined sugar harms skin elasticity by damaging collagen and elastin,” says Dr. Sethi. Favoring fruits for natural hydration might be a better option for those who like sweet breakfasts.

Fried foods can cause inflammation and accelerate skin aging, says Dr. Enrizza P. Factor. She also notes that excess salt in these products can cause swelling and dehydration, contributing to the early appearance of wrinkles.

  • 6. Pastries
    Pastries, packaged and loaded with refined carbohydrates, should be avoided. Dr. O’Connell points out that these foods stimulate sebum production and can make acne worse.

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​​​​​​7. Canned foods
Canned foods, often high in salt, are not recommended if you want radiant and hydrated skin. “Salty foods dehydrate the body, which leads to increased oil production to compensate,” explains Dr. O’Connell.

Although the occasional consumption of these foods is acceptable, regular consumption without hydration sufficient can seriously compromise the quality of your skin. Instead, opt for foods rich in antioxidants And low in salt to maintain hydrated and healthy skin. Dr. Factor recommends whole seedsof the legumes and fruits rich in vitamin C to promote healthy cell renewal and preserve skin elasticity.

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