This food hated by children, rich in magnesium and fiber, is ideal for regulating it.

Blood sugar, in other words the sugar level in the blood, is essential for the body. It is a fuel that allows our organs to function normally but it is important to regulate it in order to stay fit and healthy. Among the foods that help maintain stable blood sugar levels, one of them is generally hated by children…

Diet has a direct impact on blood sugar levels. When we eat, it naturally increases, which allows our body to avoid the famous “pump”, due to a drop in blood sugar.

However, eating too much sugar is not good either because it causes blood sugar spikes and as sugar is quickly assimilated, a rapid drop in blood sugar occurs shortly after. Result: we feel a lack and we are hungry. We are then tempted to eat sweets again and we can fall into a real vicious circle by developing an addiction to sugar which ultimately leads to weight gain.

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Stable blood sugar levels through diet

Apart from the special cases of diabetics, who need treatment to maintain their blood sugar levels at a normal level, it is enough to eat a balanced diet and incorporate a few key foods into your meals to regulate it.

Rich in protein and fiber, almonds decrease appetite and reduce cravings. You can easily put flaked almonds in salads, a baked dish or even in fromage blanc. Oats are also a valuable ally for maintaining stable sugar levels. Concentrated in beta-glucan, it helps control hunger while providing energy. An oatmeal cookie, oatmeal in your yogurt or porridge is an easy way to eat oats daily.

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This vegetable is good for blood sugar but hated by children

If the Popeye cartoon tried to popularize them, children often grimace when they discover that they have them on their plate… Dark green in color and strong in taste, they are immediately recognizable, which complicates the task of parents who would like to discreetly mix them into a dish so that it goes better.

You guessed it, we’re talking about spinach! Thanks to their high magnesium content which regulates insulin, they maintain blood sugar levels at a normal level. Rich in fiber, they also help reduce the feeling of hunger and avoid snacking between meals. More good news: spinach is not a high-calorie food. You can eat almost as much as you want without gaining a single gram. Our advice: rather than serving cooked spinach to your children, put baby spinach in a delicious salad, they will love it.

News journalist

A true jack-of-all-trades, passionate about travel, culture, society, people and beauty, Saliha writes for various media such as Escapade magazine, the GEOguide collection by Gallimard, Le Figaro…

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