this good habit to take with every meal reduces your blood sugar level, according to an expert

A doctor has revealed a brilliant and easy-to-practice tip that is excellent for regulating our blood sugar levels with every meal. It can help you avoid blood sugar spikes that make you gain weight!

Foods rich in carbohydrates skyrocket our blood sugar level, even when you only eat reasonable quantities. Whether it’s very sweet fruits, starchy foods like rice or pasta, or even sugary drinks and desserts that cause blood sugar spikes : it is difficult to avoid them without depriving yourself. And since this is clearly not the goal, the best is to adopt tips that lower sugar levels in the blood but which are easily integrated into a modern diet, although varied and balanced.

Rather than removing foods that have their place on your plate, Jessie Inchauspé, biochemistrecommends adopting a food habit not at all restrictive and good for health, which will reduce the peak in blood sugar caused in the 2 hours following the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index. She revealed it in an Instagram post in which she recommends: “start your meals with a vegetarian starter”. As she explains, eat vegetables before any other food at meals is effective “because vegetables contain fiber (we love them) and fiber slows down the arrival of glucose molecules during the rest of the meal”.

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What vegetables to eat and in what form to effectively reduce blood sugar spikes?

The blood sugar expert, known as @glucosegoddess on Instagram, says you can start your meals with any vegetable(s) of your choice, whether raw or even cooked. From a simple green salad seasoned with a little cider vinegar, to raw vegetables such as carrots or tomatoes, to a portion of cooked vegetables that you eat before your meat, fish and starchy foods, you are spoiled for choice . And as you certainly understand, more than a starter, it is above all the vegetables that are important, so you can not eat a starter as such, but simply make sure to eat enough vegetables at each meal, in starting your plate with your cooked or raw vegetables according to your daily menu. “This is especially important if the rest of your meal contains starches (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, rice…) or sugars (dessert or anything sweet)”underlines the expert.

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Blood sugar: here is the amount of vegetables to eat at each meal to reduce your blood sugar level

For this simple and healthy habit to be effective and reduce your blood sugar level as much as possible, as well as the blood sugar peaks caused by other types of foods, the doctor specifies that you must ensure that your vegetables represent “around 30% of the volume of your meal”.

Blood sugar: our additional tip to reduce the glycemic index of your meals as much as possible

Without depriving yourself of your favorite vegetables, we advise you to keep in mind that certain vegetables contain hidden sugars and have a higher glycemic index than others. We therefore reveal to you in another article the vegetables with a high glycemic index that should be consumed in moderation, and we advise you to favor the others as much as possible!

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