this tip to legally exceed the ceiling of 25 euros per day

The ceiling for using restaurant vouchers has been 25 euros since October 1, 2022. However, some users manage to pay more than 25 euros with their restaurant voucher card. Here’s how.

25 euros instead of 19 euros. Since October 2022, this is the daily ceiling for the use of restaurant vouchers. The latter can also be used to pay for any food product, whether or not it is directly consumable, until December 31, 2023. A possibility which must be extended until the end of 2024 with the examination of a bill is being examined by the National Assembly this Tuesday.

Concerning this limit of 25 euros, it sometimes happens that restaurateurs agree to be paid with several checks in paper format, beyond the limit. Likewise, if you still have paper restaurant tickets, nothing prevents you from using two at lunchtime, then two in the evening in another establishment.

Up to 75 euros per addition at Edenred

On the other hand, if you, like many employees, have switched to card format for your restaurant vouchers, it is impossible to exceed the ceiling of 25 euros. In any case, in theory. Because it is possible to pay more than 25 euros per meal with your restaurant ticket card. And this, completely legally.

We might as well tell you straight away: although it is possible to pay a bill of more than 25 euros with this card, it is not possible to spend more than 25 euros on restaurant vouchers per day. On the other hand, nothing prevents you from linking your bank card to a restaurant voucher card. This is what Edenred offers, for example. In doing so, your restaurant ticket card allows you to pay up to an additional 50 euros per bill, for a total of 75 euros (with a ceiling of 150 euros per month). The surplus is in fact directly debited from your bank account.

And Edenred is not the only one offering this possibility, since The Net Journal explains that Sodexo and Swile also allow you to associate a restaurant voucher card with a bank account. A Sodexo user can thus pay up to 30 euros more per bill, i.e. a total of 55 euros. On Swile’s side, it is the customer who himself defines the excess amount authorized per transaction which must be between 10 and 250 euros.

Restaurant voucher: what can you really still pay with? (and 10 other questions)

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