Type 2 diabetes: what to eat for breakfast (and what foods to avoid)? : Current Woman Le MAG

Diet plays a central role in the prevention and treatment of diabetes, just like medication or physical activity. In the context of type 2 diabetes (90% of patients with diabetes are affected by this form), lifestyle changes must generally be implemented, including the adoption of good eating habits.

The French Federation of Diabetics recommends eating according to your needs and at a regular time, not skipping meals, drinking enough water and, above all, eating a real breakfast. But what can you put in your breakfast and what foods should you avoid? We take stock.

Is breakfast essential in case of type 2 diabetes?

We often hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As explained by Doctor Emmanuelle Lecornet-Sokol, endocrinologist, this is however a myth. “Some patients do not need to eat breakfast. They eat lunch at midday and a dinner in the evening, and that suits them very well. Listening to your hunger, your body and its needs is very important for controlling blood sugar levels, and therefore diabetes.” explains the president of the National Federation of Liberal Endocrinologists (FENAREDIAM).

In the morning, however, blood sugar tends to rise even when you are not eating. The body produces many hormones, which increase sugar levels, such as cortisol and adrenaline. The liver then makes sugar. Patients who take their blood sugar reading may therefore notice that it rises between six and ten hours even when they do not eat breakfast. If the blood sugar level is too high in the morning, it is possible to readjust the treatment. Physical activity can also help control this phenomenon.

Type 2 diabetes: what should you eat for breakfast?

During breakfast, a diabetic patient can prepare wholemeal toastof white cheese or even oatmeal with milk. These food products have a low glycemic index. Another possible alternative: savory breakfasts. For this first meal, it is possible to cook eggs (scrambled, boiled, fried, etc.) with pieces of cheese, ham or raw vegetables (cucumber, tomatoes, etc.).

If the diabetic person likes to eat fruits in the morning. She can opt for fruits with a low glycemic index such as strawberries, kiwis or blueberries. However, it is advisable to limit the quantities of grapes, cherries or melon, which are fruits with a high glycemic index.

Regarding jams, it is possible to eat them, but it is recommended to take small portions. Doctor Emmanuelle Lecornet-Sokol recommends in particular favoring a good quality jam, which will have the taste of fruit. This helps avoid frustration and wanting to put larger quantities of jam on the toast to compensate.

Breakfast and type 2 diabetes: which foods should be avoided?

To control your diabetes, it is advisable to limit the consumption of brioches, pastries, cereals, even of organic origin, which are very sugary products that increase blood sugar levels. Once a week, you can treat yourself to a little treat by having a pain au chocolat or a croissant, but you should avoid it being daily.

“It may be interesting for the patient to measure their sugar level before and two hours after breakfast. This will allow them to know which foods are good for their blood sugar levels. There is no point in doing this every day , but a few tests, for example over a week, can allow him to rebalance his breakfast”notes the endocrinologist.

Thanks to Doctor Emmanuelle Lecornet-Sokol, endocrinologist, president of the National Federation of Liberal Endocrinologists (FENAREDIAM) and co-author “And if it was hormonal” (ed. Marabout) written with Caroline Balma Chaminadour

Read also :

⋙ Gestational diabetes: rate, test, risks, treatments and what diet to adopt?

⋙ Hypoglycemia without diabetes: what are the other diseases that cause hypoglycemia?

⋙ Type 2 diabetes: how to lose weight effectively?

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