Victorious against Gameward, KC Rekkles offers his first Pentakill in LFL

The king of the botlane struck again this Wednesday. Rekkles, who has come under fire since joining the LFL, showed the world yesterday that he wasn’t overrated, snatching a Pentakill from GameWard, as well as victory for KCorp.

For this Week 4 of LFL Spring Split 2022we have the right to something a little special, LAN matches. Indeed, this week sees LFL matches played on the local network on the stage of the Palais des Congrès Acropolis in Nice.

Prior to their game against Gameward yesterday, Karmine Corp had only accumulated only 2 wins for 4 losses at the start of the seasonwhich had of course reacted to the Twittosphere, which strongly criticized the form the team showed at the start of the season. After a series of 3 defeatsthe Karmine had to win this match, to be able to stay in the racewhether morally or on paper.

Determined to impress in this first LAN match since their last showmatch against KOIit is a dominant Karmine who showed up against Gameward. The early game will have known a major impact of 113, having done everything to put the laners in good position. Rekkles has just signed his very first Pentakill in LFL in the 20th minute, during a teamfight. He won’t have needed much pushing as all Gameward members are very low HP due to excellent teamplay from KCorpso he only had to use some skills to knock them down one by one. Behind, the Karmine collect Baron Nashor and snowball the rest of the game.

Tonight, the Karmine will face Vitality.Bee at 9 p.m., the opportunity to prove to everyone that despite a difficult pass, KCorp is still capable of anything this year. By having the best European botlaner in history in Olympic form, it can only go well.

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