Weight Loss • Reasons for sudden weight loss

The term weight loss refers to an intentional or unwanted reduction in body weight. Losing weight is a desirable effect during a diet. In contrast, unintentional strong and sudden weight loss is a warning signal and can indicate illnesses or parasites.

Most people in western countries are particularly concerned with their own body weight when they are overweight and want to reduce excess pounds on the abdomen and thighs. Numerous diets, exercise and lifestyle recommendations deal with the question of how excess body fat can be successfully and permanently reduced.

However, an unintentional weight loss can also be the result of an underlying illness. This is especially true when the body weight is reduced quickly and without any recognizable cause, such as a change in diet or increased physical activity. In the event of unexplained weight loss, a doctor should always be consulted to clarify the causes. However, it may also be helpful to question your own diet in everyday life.

Causes of unwanted weight loss

In most cases, weight loss is a desired effect based on changed diet and lifestyle habits, such as a diet or increased physical activity. However, unintentional reductions in body weight are a possible sign of physical or mental illness and should be examined by a doctor.

Weight loss can be attributed to:

Poor nutrition

  • Starving
  • one-sided or unsuitable diet, which leads to deficiency states (e.g. with unsuitable diets)

Gastrointestinal disorders and indigestion

Problems in the mouth / tooth area


  • Cancer in the area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract (oral cavity, larynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine) which affects food intake, transport or utilization
  • Cancer of the liver, bile duct or pancreas
  • advanced stages of any other cancer

Hormone disorders

Mental and psychosomatic disorders, nervous disorders

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Heavy weight loss: when to see a doctor

A significant weight loss for no apparent reason should always be examined by a doctor. The possible physical causes of weight loss as well as mental illnesses or unsuitable eating habits must be recorded.

The doctor first introduces the diagnosis of weight loss Patient interview by recording the medical history and specifically the exact change in body weight. It is particularly important to have previous illnesses or events that could be related to the current weight loss. The skill

  • changed lifestyle,
  • previous abdominal surgery,
  • Liver or kidney disease,
  • Metabolic disorders,
  • mental illness,
  • taking medication or else
  • Travel to exotic countries (parasite infestation).

It is also often a Weight log created, in which the development of body weight is entered continuously. The physical examination then records the exact extent of the weight loss, its possible physical causes and other existing diseases.

Discussion and examination often lead to an initial suspicion of the cause of the weight loss.

Blood tests General health, sugar and fat metabolism as well as hormone levels, liver and kidney function provide further information on possible causes of weight loss.

Based on this, they are targeted further imaging or aimed at the function of individual organs Investigations performed. For example, a glucose load test can be used to determine whether diabetes is present. Ultrasound, organ mirroring (for example of the stomach or intestine) and three-dimensional X-ray or magnetic field images help in the search for inflammatory processes and possibly cancerous growths.

Last but not least, psychological aspects can also play a role. Discussions or special tests can provide information on depression and psychosomatic illnesses.

Cause of weight loss should be treated

Therapy of unwanted weight loss is directed against its cause if possible. Dietary errors should be corrected, deficiencies remedied and underlying diseases treated no permanent consequential damage arise.

In the event of inadequate or one-sided nutrition, the food supply must be adapted and adapted to the physical load. The doctor, nutritionist and additional literature on healthy and balanced nutrition offer advice and information.

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If there are underlying diseases such as metabolic or hormonal disorders, then it is important to treat them with appropriate therapy in order to get the trigger for weight loss under control. In some cases, special diets (such as those with a high calorie content) or special foods (such as so-called astronaut food) make sense. If it is no longer possible to ingest food in the normal way, a gastric tube or infusions can ensure adequate nutrition.

Nutrition for advanced cancers is often a particular challenge. In these cases, the actual problem is often not the supply and absorption of food, but cancer-related metabolic shifts, which can increase the nutritional requirements in the organism extremely.

Mental and psychosomatic nutritional disorders are included Medication and psychotherapy treated.