Weight loss: 7 tips from a dietician for a healthy and balanced smoothie: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

While the sun and spring temperatures are still trying to find a place, for your part, you are determined to take care of your figure. For this, there is nothing like a healthy and balanced diet every day. Starting with breakfast, adopt good eating habits by favoring protein foods, fruits and vegetables. So, to stock up on energy and avoid snacking, choose smoothies. Composed mainly of fruits and vegetables, this gourmet drink is a good alternative to fatty and sugary products. As long as you balance it well. Asked in the columns of the media Women’s HealthAmerican dietitian Allie Echeverria, gave 7 tips to make your smoothie a weight loss ally.

Healthy smoothie: how to compose the right drink to promote weight loss?

As a smoothie fan, you can’t imagine adopting a balanced diet without having your little vitamin drink? Here is advice from a dietician to make your smoothie “healthy”.

It is important to limit caloric intake

The smoothie is very often consumed as part of a diet. This is a healthy drink that helps you get through when you’re feeling peckish between meals. However, when you want to lose weight, you have to be careful about the composition of your smoothie, because the calorie intake can quickly increase. Indeed, when a smoothie contains a certain number of foods, the calories multiply without you necessarily realizing it. To prevent this from happening, the dietitian advises using low-calorie drinks such as unsweetened almond milk instead of cow’s milk.

Be careful about ingredient portions

Drinking a smoothie is an ideal compromise when you want to treat yourself to a small snack between meals without jeopardizing your efforts to lose weight. If the calorie intake of the smoothie is generally low, it can quickly increase depending on the ingredients you include and the portions you put in it. Indeed, certain ingredients found in smoothie recipes, such as peanut butter, are very high in calories. “It is therefore better to use a spoon to measure your portion of peanut butter rather than assessing its size by eye,” explains Allie Echeverria, dietician interviewed in the columns of Women’s Health.

Consider adding protein to your smoothie

When losing weight, it is quite common to feel hungry before lunchtime. To prevent this, it is advisable to include proteins in your smoothie. Indeed, a smoothie rich in protein promotes satiety, and helps you stay full until the next meal. For this, it is enough “add a spoonful of protein powder, Greek yogurt or liquid egg whites to your smoothie recipe” explains the dietician.

Incorporate leafy green vegetables into your smoothie

Leafy green vegetables such as lettuce, spinach and Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamins, minerals and iron. It is therefore advisable to add them to your smoothie to benefit from their benefits.

Don’t forget about fiber

Fiber helps you feel full by slowing the assimilation of carbohydrates. According to the dietician, it is recommended to add chia seeds to your smoothie because they are rich in fiber.

Limit fruit juices as much as possible

Although it is a long-term habit, drinking a glass of fruit juice every morning is not ideal when you want to lose weight. As the expert indicates, they “are often high in calories and sugar, but low in fiber.” It is therefore better to avoid adding it to your smoothie.

Prepare your smoothie in advance

If you want to consume a smoothie every day, it is better to be well organized so as not to get caught up in time in the morning. This is why it is recommended to freeze the ingredients of your balanced smoothies in individual bags and take one out per day.


  • 40 Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss, According To Dietitians – Women’s Health – February 27, 2024
  • The nutritional benefits of smoothies – Interfel

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