What does “Bro” stand for? Meaning and Usage


The term “bro” appears frequently in youth slang. We’ll explain what it means and how to use it.

A handshake of connection: When “Bro” is more than just a word. (Source: IgorTishenko / depositphotos.com)

What does “Bro” stand for? Meaning and Usage

The term “Bro” or “Bre” is an informal abbreviation of the word “Brother” and means “brother” in German. It is primarily used to express a close friendship or attachment to another person and can therefore also be equated with “buddy”.

The expression “Bro” has its roots in American colloquial language and over time has also been integrated into German youth language. The term was originally used among men, but is now heard between people in a closer relationship regardless of gender.


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How do you use “Bro”?

The term “Bro” can be used in many ways to express a strong relationship or support. It can be used as a salutation, greeting, or even in conversations on social media or text messages.

Examples of using “Bro”

  • “Hey bro, wanna hang out tonight?”
  • “You should really consider changing your job bro. You deserve better.”
  • “Bro, you’ll never guess what happened to me today!”

In addition to “Bro,” there are a lot of other youth words that are being heard more and more often. We also explain other such terms to you, such as “eywa”, “dafuq” or “bruh”.

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