What does “Concern Rolling” mean? meaning and use


“Concernrolling” refers to an approach on the Internet in which users hide their disparagement behind false concerns. Find out more in our definition of terms.

We explain the term “Concern Rolling”. (Source: Slphotography / depositphotos.com )

The term “concerntrolling” is made up of the words “concern” and “trolling” together. The word describes the behavior of users who denigrate others based on external characteristics, but hide this denigration behind concern.

Examples of concern controlling

For example, online users pretend to be interested in the physical health of others and then express hidden insults. This can be done, for example, by recommending a visit to the doctor if the person concerned is thinner or too fat than others.


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This makes it appear from the outside as if the others are interested in the health of the person concerned, but in reality the intention is only to offend the person concerned.

In our list of abbreviations, terms and Co. you will find other expressions such as “green flag”, “rock bottom” or “brainfart”.

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