Why is bloating more common after eating fatty foods (and how to limit it)? : Current Woman Le MAG

It is possible to experience pain or discomfort due to excess gas located in the stomach or intestines. In the first case, this feeling of heaviness is linked to stomach distension. It can be caused by massive ingestion of air (notably by eating too quickly or by ingesting carbonated drinks), a specific dysfunction (such as hypochlorhydria), or simply be the consequence of a meal that is too copious.

When these bloating more specifically affect the intestines, they can be caused by food fermentation, constipation, food intolerance or even a specific pathology, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

If we are particularly interested in the dietary factors of this discomfort, it is important to know that the consumption of fatty products slows down the transit of gas, which causes bloating. Caroline Séguy, dietician-nutritionist, explains the reasons to us, and gives us her advice to limit their appearance.

1. What is the link between gas formation in the digestive system and diet?

The formation of gas during digestion is completely normal. Indeed, as the dietitian explains, during this process “ingested foods undergo numerous transformations so that their nutrients can be assimilated. However, a certain number of them arrive in the colon without having been sufficiently digested. It is then the microbiota which consumes them by fermenting them. This process generates CO2, therefore gas, evacuated in the form of flatulence.”

2. What foods are most likely to cause bloating?

Certain foods are more likely than others to cause bloating after eating. These include:

– of the fiber-rich vegetablesnotably cabbage, artichokes and even broccoli, as well as preparations in the form of raw vegetables;

– of the onions ;

– of the starchy foodsespecially dried vegetables, pasta or bread;

– of the fatty foods ;

– milk, in people with lactose intolerance.

3. Do fatty foods cause gas?

Caroline Séguy qualifies this statement, explaining that fatty foods do not cause the occurrence of gas. As she explains, “fatty foods do not undergo fermentation. Rather, they promote a slowdown in gastric emptying. In fact, they slow down the transit of gases. The latter are then less easily evacuated, and they cause bloating”.

4. What preparation or cooking methods should be preferred to avoid these inconveniences?

The dietician suggests:

– rather cook vegetables and limit the consumption of raw vegetables, because the fibers in raw vegetables are more irritating;

favor gentle cookingin particular steam or foil, and limit the use of fat, which makes meals more difficult to digest;

– blanch the cabbages, so that they are more digestible;

– cook by adding aromatic herbs and spices. Coriander, fennel, anise, dill, cumin and even caraway have properties that facilitate digestion and the elimination of gases.

5. What foods or dietary measures can help relieve bloating?

Gas formation can be limited by applying certain simple hygiene measures.

  • Caroline Séguy advises first of all to take the time to eat, chewing your food well. The secreted saliva facilitates digestion, especially for products rich in starch, a source of fermentation. You also need to listen to yourself and stop eating to your fullness.
  • She also recommends limit its water consumption during the meal, so as not to dilute gastric juices, which would make digestion less efficient. Sparkling water should also be avoided.so as not to ingest too much air”, explains the dietetics specialist.
  • It is also possible to split your meals, repeatedly eating small amounts. It is also important to maintain a balanced diet, “rich in fruits and vegetables to provide the fibers necessary for the microbiota, facilitate transit and avoid constipation”, indicates Caroline Séguy.
  • The dietitian recommends including prebiotics and probiotics. They allow “to compensate for the functional deficit of the intestinal flora”. Probiotics are found in fermented foods like yogurt or food supplements. Prebiotics, for their part, are mainly present in foods rich in fiber.
  • On the other hand, she advises limit sugar consumptionand avoid foods that cause food intolerances or digestive discomfort.
  • Caroline Séguy finally recalls the importance of practicing regular physical activity, which stimulates the digestive system, and therefore transit. If necessary, she also advises learning to manage stress, which can cause stomach aches and bloating.

However, it should be remembered that if the bloating lasts over time, or is accompanied by pain, fever, nausea, diarrhea or even blood in the stools, it is important to consult your doctor as quickly as possible. generalist.

Thank you to Caroline Séguy, Dietician-nutritionist, for answering our questions.

Additional source:

Vidal, Bloating, flatulence and aerophagia

Read also :

⋙ Stress-related bloating: how to limit it? Advice from a gastroenterologist

⋙ Digestive disorders: how to naturally relieve bloating and constipation?

⋙ Digestion: here’s how to make it easier during holiday meals, according to a dietitian

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