Why you shouldn't drink alcohol during your pregnancy

Pregnancy does not mean alcohol. The proof with figures published by Public Health France on alcohol consumption during the 9 months of pregnancy.

Did you know ? "Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is the leading cause of non-genetic mental handicap and social maladjustment of children in France". Indeed, drinking alcohol while you are pregnant is toxic to the fetus and can cause many complications such as growth retardation, memory problems or even birth defects. But the most alarming form is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Thus, on the occasion of the World FAS Awareness Day scheduled for September 9, let us recall the figures that Public Health France had revealed on alcohol consumption during pregnancy in France. These initial estimates are not to be taken lightly.

Between 2006 and 2013, 3,207 newborns presented at least one fetal alcohol related consequence. That is to say one birth per day! Of these babies, 452 suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). This corresponds to one birth per week.

"These figures are underestimated given the difficulty in diagnosing these disorders in the neonatal period and do not include diagnoses made later. However, they do better characterize the burden of fetal alcoholism.", can we read in the study.

"Zero alcohol during pregnancy": an awareness campaign

Launched on September 9 and throughout the month, this campaign will draw attention to occasional alcohol use during pregnancy. According to the results, "1 in 10 women said they drank alcohol occasionally during pregnancy." The aim of the campaign is to show pregnant women the real risks involved when they drink – even occasionally – alcohol during pregnancy.

The message is simple: "Because today no one can say that one drink is safe for the baby: as a precaution, zero alcohol during pregnancy."

Do you have doubts, questions, concerns?

Don't panic, there are always solutions to help you, people to reassure you. If you have any questions about your alcohol consumption, but also about your health or that of your baby, do not hesitate to seek the advice of your doctor, gynecologist or midwife. They will certainly be excellent advice.

Watch out for the sites you visit. On the Internet, we find from the most serious to the most folkloric and the forums are full of people, sometimes well-meaning, but who often give bad advice. To make sure you are not mistaken and be sure of the information you are reading, go to a reliable site like act for baby. You will find all the information you need for:

  • Caring for yourself and your baby during your pregnancy
  • Prepare a healthy environment for your child
  • To be listened to and supported
  • Have all the necessary information on the steps you are going to have to accomplish
  • Have all the keys to discover and feed your baby
  • Make the choices that suit you with full knowledge of the causes

This article was produced in partnership with Public Health France.

Read also:

Alcohol + pregnancy = a (very) bad equation

This is what will convince you not to drink a drop of alcohol during your pregnancy

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