Yummy Videos: Better Than Yoga

Chillax times!
Deep relaxation with yummy videos

© Wundervisuals / iStock

Yoga, wine, audio books and autogenic training: our author has tried a lot to really relax. But the real deal: Yummy Videos!

by Linda Berger

I like baking, I prefer to look at baking books. Because just looking is less strenuous than swinging the whisk yourself, especially because you don't have to clean up afterwards. But if I really want to switch off, then I watch one yummy video after the other.

No idea what a yummy video is?

In short: These are short videos in which simple ingredients are used to conjure up incredibly delicious-looking ice cream creations, cakes and cupcakes. So high in calories that it makes you feel slightly sick just watching. And that's what's really ingenious about it: These sugar-sweet delicacies would simply be too much for me in real life. I would not survive a combination of marshmallow, ice cream, cake, caramel and, of course, coated with chocolate. But watching the cool stuff get mixed up is like ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) for the eyes and stomach.

There is a catch …

… and no, it's not because I want to eat all of this. The problem is, I just can't stop watching these videos. And then an hour quickly goes by in which I devour cake after cake with my eyes. But what the heck, I just love it. And at the same time, you learn a few more hacks on how to bake crazy cookies and cakes.