3-point plan: the easiest weight loss method ever?

There are many methods of losing weight – most of them require a lot of careful consideration. It’s easier with the 3-point plan from nutrition coach Carter Good!

Who does not know it: We are highly motivated to start a diet and after a very short time we have become hopelessly bogged down with all the things that we have to consider. Nutrition coach Carter Good proves that there is an easier way – the expert has lost 60 kilos himself and takes care of his followers Instagram constantly with his best tips against obesity. Everything revolves around his simple 3-point plan. The good news first: You don’t have to miss anything convulsively!

Step 1: Watch your calorie deficit

It cannot be emphasized enough: whether you do low-carb, love being slim in your sleep or swear by the Mediterranean diet – in order to be able to lose weight, a calorie deficit must be maintained. That means: you take in fewer calories than you burn in the day.

To do this, the so-called basal metabolic rate is first determined, which provides information about how much energy we need at least every day for the basic functions of the body. In addition, there is the so-called performance expenditure – this determines the energy that we also need, for example for sporting activities. The two together result in the total turnover. In order to be able to lose weight in a healthy way, we should eat more than the basal metabolic rate but less than the total metabolic rate. When calculating your energy expenditure, z. B. some free apps.

Step 2: Give yourself the full power of proteins

Protein has many good properties: It helps to build muscle – and a large muscle mass in turn helps to burn energy even when you are resting. In addition, protein keeps you full for a long time and prevents cravings. No wonder that many athletes have a protein shake after their workout! Carter Goods insider tip: Try to consume about one gram of protein per half a kilo of body weight every day – but not based on your current body weight, but on your target weight!

An example: Your desired weight is 68 kilos. Then you should consume between 120 and 150 grams of protein a day. Low-fat dairy products such as cheese and quark are suitable for this, but lean meats such as chicken or fish are also healthy and should often be on the menu.

Step 3: focus on the right foods …

… but don’t just be strict with yourself. Of course, an expert like Carter Goods also has one or the other unhealthy favorite snack. So his third piece of advice is: Make sure you eat healthy 80 percent – then you can sin 20 percent. Good foods include vegetables, proteins, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates such as those found in whole grain products. The 20 percent then include the little treats that make life really beautiful. This is definitely our favorite tip – because who can stick to a diet where they really have to go without everything?