4 tips to limit the spike in blood sugar when you eat candy (and other sweets)

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Eating gummies and chocolate candies will inevitably raise your blood sugar levels, but there are tips to limit this blood sugar spike. We reveal them to you to combine taste pleasure and health!

While the evening ofHalloween 2023 is fast approaching, we already know that we risk a hell of a lot blood sugar spike during the evening due to the consumption of treats. But if the increase in our blood glucose level is inevitable when we eat sweetsHowever, you should not deprive yourself of this little occasional pleasure which is part of a balanced diet. If you plan to eat candy (gummy, chocolate, etc.), don’t deprive yourself of your favorite treat to eat “sugar-free” candies, because “many products labeled “sugar-free” contain sweeteners that spike our glucose levels like sugar” specifies Jessie Inchauspé on her Instagram account.

There doctor biochemist, who shares easy tips for regulating your blood sugar naturally, explains that it’s okay to treat yourself because “this is what we do most of the time” and not just the time of an evening that counts. On the other hand, the doctor reveals 4 good reflexes to take to limit the blood sugar peak as much as possible what your body will experience a little after you eat your favorite candy. To put into practice before, during and after eating your Halloween candy!

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Candies, sweets, sweets: 4 tips to limit the blood sugar spikes they cause

  • “Drink a vinegar potion” before eating it : to begin with, the doctor explains that it is interesting to consume vinegar before eating sweets because vinegar contains acetic acid which will reduce the speed at which starchy foods are transformed into glucose in the stomach, which has the effect of reducing the blood sugar peak caused by the consumption of sweets. To do this, simply dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a large glass of water and consume this mixture. “Any type of vinegar will do” specifies Jessie Inchauspé.
  • “Eat your sweets after a meal” : rather than starting your evening with candy, plan a real meal beforehand. In addition to calming your hunger, which will help you stay reasonable on the quantities of sugars swallowed, eating your sweets “after a full meal rather than on an empty stomach” also helps limit the spike in blood glucose.
  • “Mix your sweets with nuts” : if you are a fan of chocolate candies like the famous yellow packet with 2 M, take advantage of the presence of peanuts in your sweets to enhance them harmoniously with a few nuts, healthier foods that will help you regulate your blood sugar and not overeat sweets. “If you can, halve your portion of sweets and add nuts. Any nut will do” explains, in fact, the doctor.
  • “Go for a walk afterwards” have eaten your candy : even if you enjoyed your movie night by eating candy in front of the television, you can still have a positive effect on your blood sugar level by doing a little physical activity (tidying up in the house (practical so as not to leave the sugar lying around gourmet TV set, walking outside to get some fresh air, taking the dog out before dark, etc.). “If we move our body after or while we eat sugar, our muscles will absorb some of the glucose and fructose, and the peak will flatten.” assures the doctor.

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