Anne Hathaway: That's her devilish grin in "Witches witches"

Anne Hathaway becomes the grandmaster witch in the movie "Witches witches". This also includes a devilish grin, which she is now showing for the first time.

US actress Anne Hathaway (37) shows herself in a video clip behind the scenes of the movie "Witches witches", which she posted on her Instagram account, from a diabolical side. In one sequence, she opens her mouth in a broad grin with sharp-edged teeth, which is in no way inferior to the "Joker" (2019) or the "Es" clown (1990, 2017). "What has a witch ever done to you?" Asks Hathaway in the comment.

"Hexen hexen" is the remake of the children's fantasy novel "The Witches" (1983) by British writer Roald Dahl (1916-1990) by director Robert Zemeckis (68, "Back to the Future"). In the horror comedy, an orphan boy (Jahzir Kadeem Bruno) moves to the country with his loving grandmother (Octavia Spencer) in the late 1960s. However, the two get into a witch meeting, to which the diabolical leader (Anne Hathaway) has invited. Her plan: turn all children into mice. The film should be shown in cinemas in Germany from October 29, 2020.
