Horoscope: These zodiac signs cry particularly often

"An Indian knows no pain", "Time heals all wounds", "what doesn't kill you makes you strong" – louder completely stupid Sayings that only aim to get people to shut up, to suffer silently and to continue to function well. Well, unfortunately this mentality is very deeply rooted in German culture. Luckily, there are some people who don't give in to it, stand by their feelings – and, if they feel like crying, just let the tears run …

Horoscope: These zodiac signs cry more often than average


Tears come to fish very quickly when they see others suffering – no matter whether humans, animals, plants or planets. The watermark simply cannot stand injustice and is difficult to cope with if it cannot help. No wonder that tears often flow with a person with these conditions – after all, the world is unfortunately full of suffering and injustice.


Crying is an expression of feelings – why should you forbid them? Cancer sees it correctly, so it would never be ashamed of its tears. As very sensitive, sensitive people, cancer-born people have an extremely deep and moving emotional world. Of course there are also dark areas – and paradoxically it is easier to get out of those with tears in your eyes. As I said: crying relieves. And the cancer does everything right.


Lions cry on all possible occasions: joy, sadness, anger, fear, self-pity, compassion – you name it. The fire sign has strong emotions and does not see any way to hide them. After all, our feelings make us human and lovable and arouse sympathy in others. Isn't that a good argument to show them? For the lion, anyway.