Kasia Lenhardt († 25): Public prosecutor requests an autopsy

Kasia Lenhardt († 25)
Her body is to be autopsied

Kasia Lenhardt

© Getty Images

Her early death shocked family and fans. The former GNTM candidate Kasia Lenhardt was found lifeless on February 9th. Now the public prosecutor's office in Berlin intervenes.

Twelve days ago the world stood still for the family of Kasia Lenhardt († 25). The news of the model's death comes unexpectedly and tears deep wounds. At such moments one looks for explanations. The cause of death has not yet been officially determined. That should change now. It is determined by an official body.

Kasia Lenhardt († 25): Berlin public prosecutor confirms the investigation

Kasia's body is to be autopsied. "With regard to the death of the person in question, a death investigation is being initiated with the Berlin public prosecutor. The Berlin public prosecutor has ordered the autopsy," the attorney general confirmed to Promiflash. Farewell 2021: We mourn this star

Certainly a painful process for the family. Nevertheless, the autopsy will also bring certainty. Kasia's mother Adrianna has already called on fans on her Instagram channel not to get lost in speculation. Since the death of her daughter, various accounts have appeared on the platform, "in which so many things are published that may come from hacked accounts and are actually not suitable for publication and should not be used in this way."

Her urgent request: "I would like to ask on behalf of my daughter not to post anything that has yet to be clarified where it comes from or to forward things that have not been publicly written."

With the completion of the Berlin public prosecutor's investigation, the bereaved bereaved may finally come to rest.

Sources used:promiflash.de, instagram.com
