Lose weight with vegetables: you should avoid these varieties!

Not every vegetable lets the kilos tumble – on the contrary

Yikes Have we not always been told that vegetables are the only thing we can eat without end if we want to lose weight? That we can at least confidently use lettuce and raw food sticks when the craving for chocolate grabs us?

Unfortunately, it's not that easy. Not every vegetable and every kind of fruit is suitable for losing weight. On the contrary: some varieties even make us gain weight.

That is the result of a large-scale scientific study. For 24 years, researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health have studied more than 133,000 Americans to find out what fruits and vegetables they eat – and how their choice affects their weight. Other weight-related factors such as smoking and sport were eliminated as far as possible.

Starch and sugar are our enemies

Fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of carbohydrates – in the form of sugar and / or starch – cause our blood sugar level to skyrocket and drop again, so that we soon get hungry again.

Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, which are high in fiber and at the same time have a low glycemic index, have a favorable effect on our weight because they fill us up for a long time.

Which vegetables and fruits can we eat without hesitation?

The researchers found that eating berries, apples, pears, tofu / soy, and cauliflower made people lose weight. Vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and green salads also contributed to weight loss.

Stay away from corn and bananas!

Starchy vegetables, on the other hand, tend to cause weight gain. This primarily includes corn, but also peas and potatoes.

If you don't want to gain weight, you should also hold back on bananas and grapes. Bananas bring a lot of carbohydrates in the form of sugar and starch, and grapes are very sweet – ergo high in sugar.

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