No lead on New Year’s Eve: What to watch out for when casting wax

No lead on New Years Eve
What you have to consider when casting wax

Pouring lead is bad for your health – so just use wax.

© MakroBetz /

Lead pouring has been banned since 2018. However, nobody has to do without tradition: Wax casting is a safe alternative.

Pouring lead is an old custom on New Year’s Eve. A piece of lead is heated on a spoon with the help of a candle, and the liquid mass is then poured into cold water. Based on the resulting figures, the future can then be read – according to practice. However, lead casting sets have been banned since 2018. The reason: the heavy metal is harmful to health. If you don’t want to do without tradition, you can try wax casting.

That is why lead is forbidden

When lead is melted, poisonous fumes are generated that enter the body via the respiratory tract. This can damage organs and the central nervous system. In addition, lead splashes when heated, which causes severe burns if it comes into contact with the skin. Disposal is not easy as lead is an environmental pollutant. That is why it does not belong in the household waste, but in the hazardous waste.

Wax casting: the safe alternative

Wax casting sets can now be found in many supermarkets and online shops. However, the variant can also be easily made at home. To do this, crush the remains of candle wax, place in an empty tin and melt in a water bath. If there is still wick residue, simply fish it out. Then pour the liquid wax into an ice cube mold. After cooling, carefully press out of the mold.

This is how it works

As with pouring lead, you need a bowl of ice-cold water. It’s best to add a few more ice cubes – because the colder the water, the faster the wax hardens. If it is too warm, the wax runs on the surface. The result would be a flat cake instead of a 3D figure.

When everything is ready, place a wax blank on a spoon and hold it over a candle. If the wax is liquid, pour it into the water immediately. Then take out the resulting figure – and the interpretation can begin. The internet can help make the right prediction.


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