On October 10th – In 19 run-off duels it is woman against man

After Walter Kreisel (VP) in St. Oswald near Freistadt and Harald Riedler (FP) in Hinterstoder withdrew, Jochen Wölger (FP) also withdrew from the race for mayor’s office in Pinsdorf on Saturday. So next Sunday the citizens in 73 of the 76 run-off municipalities can choose between two candidates. The quota of women could soar significantly. There are currently 35 female mayors. 21 could be added. In addition to two women-only duels, there are 19 more women against men. For ten politicians, their current job as local chief is at stake. For example in the district towns of Freistadt (Elisabeth Teufer, VP), Grieskirchen (Maria Pachner, VP), Kirchdorf (Vera Pramberger, SP) and Vöcklabruck (Elisabeth Kölblinger, VP) or in Aigen-Schlägl (Elisabeth Höfler, VP), Arbing (Hermine Leitner, VP) or Rosenau am Hengstpaß (Maria Benedetter, SP).

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