Everything is actually good – but only actually. Sometimes we get a little stuck in life. You can tell from these 6 signs that you still have the handbrake on!
When we are children, we perceive everything with incredible intensity. The sun tickling your skin as we play in the streets in spaghetti strap dresses. The smell of rain falling on the asphalt after a summer day. The feeling of first love, the first journey, which signals that life lies in front of you like a huge playground.
Then you live it. And suddenly the grass is a lot less green than it looked from afar, experiences suddenly feel less world-changing and everyday life, well, a lot less adventurous than we once imagined. In the course of growing up, many of us are caught up in the whirlpool of fast-paced life – and in the worst case, it only spits us out again when we retire.
You’re too busy working, socializing, doing the housework, shopping, and wondering what you want to eat to worry about what you really want. Is this the life we dreamed of as children? Are we happy at all? Or satisfied? Or are we just feeling okay? And what would we have to change to feel happy again? Just the thought of all these aspects, which could throw our whole everyday life upside down, sometimes overwhelms us so much that we prefer to hide it again between the laundry and shopping basket.
But you don’t have to change your life to be happy. Sometimes you just get a little lost, you’re stuck in a traffic jam and you realize that, well, you’re not really alive anymore, but rather letting the traffic pull you along. Then even tiny decisions can make us and our lives feel more intense again. This can be a new or old but rediscovered hobby. The decision to plan the trip now and not in two years. Or also to break away from old ideas that maybe no longer suit us. And life flows again.
6 signs you’re living with the handbrake on right now
If…then… sentences
When I’m 30, I’ll think about children. When I’ve finished the project, I’ll take care of my free time again. When I retire, I’ll finally have time to travel. caught? We often live in dependencies that we have created for ourselves. Aren’t there ways to make your dreams come true right now?
Dream job, dream house, dream life
Speaking of dreams: We often speak of ideals in the subjunctive as if they weren’t achievable anyway. This ensures that we can settle for less – but also that we do not even dare to think about how we could bring our real life closer to our dream. Is it really the house in a great location that we want, or are we simply longing for a garden that we could perhaps afford in another area?
You have no lows – but also no highs
If you have set up your life that way, you often just live like that. That’s okay. Lowering our expectations may protect us from disappointment, but we also take away the possibility that things could be better…
You no longer question
… but this includes questioning one’s own life. Because if you’ve lived in the same job, the same relationship, the same apartment for a long time, you’ve often simply gotten used to it. What can bring a breath of fresh air into life is to question your decisions from time to time – and then at best to be all the happier to confirm them.
You’re secretly jealous
Nobody would claim to like to be jealous. Sometimes we still catch ourselves doing it. And often when others dare to do something that we don’t even allow ourselves to think about. An open relationship. Moving alone to another city. to start over. to make the great journey. Adopting a dog, whatever it is, when others make something easy, we often realize we’re just watching.
You please everyone
That’s the unmistakable sign that you’re driving your life with the handbrake on, but we’re all likely to catch ourselves: you’re trying to please everyone. If you really step on the gas, you could bother the neighbors with noise… Stop: It’s completely normal to offend and that’s perfectly okay, because above all you have to live it in a way that makes you feel good, not others . Because otherwise you live the life of others and not your own.